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Valuation in a Picture (VIP)

Custom Stock Curator (CSC)

Risk Reward Radar (RRR)

History of Prices (HOP)


APSIS Launchpad

Explore our array of products at a glance.


Valuation in a Picture

Visualize where the premium and discount levels of your favorite stock is located, filtered through the 3 cornerstones of stock valuation : Earnings, Book Value, and Dividends.


Custom Stock Curator

Generate your personal master list of stocks, based on indicators and factors that match your taste.


Risk Reward Radar

Select your stock and compare against peers, rivals and other stocks in the PSE.


History of Prices

Find seasonalities and trends, and check a stock’s gain and loss performance record over your preferred period of time.


Luna APSIS is a synthesis of diverse investment philosophies inspired by professional success and real wealth built from stock markets investments, from persons who we consider our mentors.

Ms. Luz Lorenzo

Independent Director, Manulife

Mr. Dennis Goquingco

Former CFO of First Pacific Holdings Incorporated

Ms. Cora Guidote

Independent Director, Figaro Coffee Group Inc. and Cirtek Holdings Philippines Corporation

Dr. Walter W. Brown

Former President & CEO, NGCP, Apex Mining Company, Semirara Mining and Power Corporation